This blog, simply put, is pretty much whatever I'm thinking about at the time. It could be useful, it could be pointless, it could be ranting or it just might be funny.

Wednesday, 24 August 2011


I am now the proud founder of a religious sect called Hokey-Cokey-ism based on the well-known children's song. I believe that, hidden in the lyrics and accompanying actions, deep truths about the way we live our lives can be found. The words are as follows:

You put your left leg in
Your left leg out
In, out, in, out,
you shake it all about.
You do the Hokey Cokey and you turn around
That's what it's all about.

Whoa, the hokey cokey!,
Whoa, the hokey cokey!,
Whoa, the hokey cokey!,
Knees bent, arms stretched, rah! rah! rah!

What should be borne in mind is that these are the English lyrics. The American lyrics are lies spread by false prophets.

What meaning you derive from the song is up to you - I don't wish to indoctrinate anyone. However, I think the answer to all life's problems can be found within these seemingly innocuous lyrics.

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Rodent Scale

I propose a new measurent of height based on the number and type of rodents that can fit within that height when piled on top of each other. For example:
  • mouse = 3cm
  • rat = 8cm
  • rat + mouse = 11cm
  • rabbit = 13cm
  • rabbit + 2 mice = 19cm
  • capybara = 50cm
  • ...
You get the idea. If you add enough different rodents to the list, eventually it should be able to cover all the intermediate heights.

Small adjustments could be allowed for by adding 'tall' or 'short' e.g. a tall mouse would be 3.5cm and a short rat + a short mouse = 10cm

N.B. Some of these figures have been worked out working out the length ratio to the mouse and then multiplying this by the height of the mouse because I could not find their height but only their length. If any of you happen to have a rodent to hand, please leave a comment with its height so I can add it to the list.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Of Balloons and Code

You may remember a while back that I wrote about my balloon project. I'll give you a moment to think back... right, let's get started.

Having finished all my Uni work now, I'm left at a mild loose end. So I thought what better time to get started on the I Found A Balloon website?

This was yesterday, and such is my boredom that I have now finished the first stage - the HTML and CSS. You can have a look here.

I decided to try LESS for the CSS code. LESS describes itself as a 'dynamic style sheet language'. Basically, it extends basic CSS with things like variables, operations and functions to make it a more dynamic language. You can take a look on the website for more examples - it's probably easier than me explaining it. It just makes CSS development quicker and more efficient.

I've also used a couple of CSS3 properties which you may or may not notice - border-radius to make the corners round and RGBA values for the semi-transparency. I was hoping to add the balloon and the cloud using the :before and :after pseudo-classes but for some reason that didn't work

So that's the layout and design pretty much done; now for the <sarcasm>fun</sarcasm> bit - PHP.

Someone said this morning that I wasn't a geek until I made a website for fun and then blogged about it, mentioning several geeky things. Here they are:
  • You were eaten by a grue
  • Myst
  • C-basic
  • 0100001001101001011011100110000101110010011110010010000001001110011101010110110101100010011001010111001001110011
  • Cyborgs, pff, what do they know?
Is that geeky enough for you? Yes, I'm looking at you. You know who you are.

Saturday, 8 January 2011

Movie Piracy Ad On DVDs

This time I thought I'd talk about something which really annoys me. You know those adverts about movie piracy on the beginning of DVDs? There are a lot of different types but the one I'm specifically thinking of is this one:

One thing which recently struck me, and has annoyed me ever since, is that you only get these adverts on DVDs which you have legitimately bought whereas you would not get them if you pirated them. Ironic, isn't it? So the people who are watching these all the time are not the people it is really aimed at. Now is it just me or does that render the whole thing pointless? It's just a waste of 30 seconds of our lives every time we put a DVD in. And then there's loads of other things on the DVD to get through before you get to watch the bloody thing!

Anyway, there we are, that's what's been annoying me. And remember, children, movie piracy is stealing and it kills fairies and cute fluffy bunnies.