You may remember a while back that I wrote about my balloon project. I'll give you a moment to think back... right, let's get started.
Having finished all my Uni work now, I'm left at a mild loose end. So I thought what better time to get started on the I Found A Balloon website?
This was yesterday, and such is my boredom that I have now finished the first stage - the HTML and CSS. You can have a look
I decided to try
LESS for the CSS code. LESS describes itself as a 'dynamic style sheet language'. Basically, it extends basic CSS with things like variables, operations and functions to make it a more dynamic language. You can take a look on the website for more examples - it's probably easier than me explaining it. It just makes CSS development quicker and more efficient.
I've also used a couple of CSS3 properties which you may or may not notice - border-radius to make the corners round and RGBA values for the semi-transparency. I was hoping to add the balloon and the cloud using the :before and :after pseudo-classes but for some reason that didn't work
So that's the layout and design pretty much done; now for the <sarcasm>fun</sarcasm> bit - PHP.
Someone said this morning that I wasn't a geek until I made a website for fun and then blogged about it, mentioning several geeky things. Here they are:
- You were eaten by a grue
- Myst
- C-basic
- 0100001001101001011011100110000101110010011110010010000001001110011101010110110101100010011001010111001001110011
- Cyborgs, pff, what do they know?
Is that geeky enough for you? Yes, I'm looking at you. You know who you are.